Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Reference Sources for Canadian Literary Studies

Four Raj Novels

Response to Death
The Literary Work of Mourning

Challenging Frontiers
The Canadian West

Electra after Freud
Myth and Culture

Literary Sisterhoods
Imagining Women Artists

Confessions of a Small Press Racketeer

Transcanada Letters

Pacific Rim Letters

Arguing Comics
Literary Masters on a Popular Medium

Listening to Old Woman Speak
Natives and alterNatives in Canadian Literature

Were the Bees

Poets Talk
Conversations with Robert Kroetsch, Daphne Marlatt, Erin Mouré, Dionne Brand, Marie Annharte Baker, Jeff Derksen, and Fred Wah

The Future of the Page

Letter and the Spirit of Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Justice, Politics, Theology

The Letter and the Spirit of Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Justice, Politics, Theology

Five-Part Invention
A History of Literary History in Canada

Moveable Margins
The Shifting Spaces in Canadian Literature
Postcolonialism Revisited
Welsh Writing in English

Muslim Narratives and the Discourse of English

Russian Literature, 1995-2002
On the Threshold of a New Millennium

Subterranean Worlds
A Critical Anthology

Northrop Frye's Notebooks on Romance