Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Anne around the World
L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic

Francophonies d’Amérique 33
Frontières incertaines

Writing Our Way Home

The Undiscovered Country
Essays in Canadian Intellectual Culture

The Small Nouns Crying Faith

Garden Plots
Canadian Women Writers and Their Literary Gardens

Austin Clarke
Essays on His Works

Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market

Performing Autobiography
Contemporary Canadian Drama

Foreign Modernism
Cosmopolitanism, Identity, and Style in Paris

The Structures of Law and Literature
Duty, Justice, and Evil in the Cultural Imagination

Kingsley Amis
Antimodels and the Audience

Chaucer, Gower, and the Vernacular Rising
Poetry and the Problem of the Populace After 1381

Eight Men Speak
A Play by Oscar Ryan et al.

Thalia Delighting in Song
Essays on Ancient Greek Poetry


Of Comics and Men
A Cultural History of American Comic Books

Daniel Defoe, Contrarian

Writing Unemployment
Worklessness, Mobility, and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century Canadian Literatures

The Emblems of James Reaney
Magnetically Drawn

Inheriting a Canoe Paddle
The Canoe in Discourses of English-Canadian Nationalism

The Newfoundland Diaspora
Mapping the Literature of Out-Migration

The Better Story
Queer Affects from the Middle East