Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Pascal the Philosopher
An Introduction

High Bright Buggy Wheels

The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse


A Trick to Catch the Old One
By Thomas Middleton

Roman Literary Culture
From Plautus to Macrobius

A Sea of Languages
Rethinking the Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History

Reading Diversity through Canadian Picture Books
Preservice Teachers Explore Issues of Identity, Ideology, and Pedagogy
Dire Straits
The Perils of Writing the Early Modern English Coastline from Leland to Milton

Thalia Delighting in Song
Essays on Ancient Greek Poetry

Fronteras Vivientes
Eight Latina/o Canadian Plays

Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Woolf

Producing Canadian Literature
Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace

The Superhero Reader

The Mystery Shopping Cart:
A collection of essays, reviews, and interviews that offer insight into contemporary Canadian poetry and culture

Trans/acting Culture, Writing, and Memory
Essays in Honour of Barbara Godard

Intersections between Canadian Literature and Film

Between Worlds
The Rhetorical Universe of Paradise Lost

Narcissistic Narrative
The Metafictional Paradox

Topologies of the Unreal
Canadian Stories of the Sea (Kobo)

Selected Letters of Stephen Leacock (Kobo)

The Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre (Kobo)