Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Natural Space In Literature
Imagination and Environment in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Fiction and Poetry

From Little London to Little Bengal
Religion, Print, and Modernity in Early British India, 1793-1835
O Canada
An American's Notes on Canadian Culture

God's Plenty
A Study of Hugh Hood's Short Fiction

The Broadview Pocket Glossary of Literary Terms

The Confederation Group of Canadian Poets, 1880-1897

Shakespeare in the World of Communism and Socialism

The Writing Moment
A Practical Guide to Creating Poems

The Age of Authors
An Anthology of Eighteenth-Century Print Culture

Pascal the Philosopher
An Introduction

Impossible Joyce
Finnegans Wakes

Parallel Encounters
Culture at the Canada-US Border

Dany Laferrire
Essays On His Works

In the Interval of the Wave
Prince Edward Island Women's Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Life Writing

The Birth of New Criticism
Conflict and Conciliation in the Early Work of William Empson, I.A. Richards, Robert Graves, and Laura Riding

Swinging the Maelstrom
A Critical Edition

The Pigheaded Soul
Essays and Reviews on Poetry and Culture

David Hume
Historical Thinker, Historical Writer

Graeme Gibson Interviews Alice Munro
From Eleven Canadian Novelists Interviewed by Graeme Gibson

Career Limiting Moves
Interviews, Rejoinders, Essays, Reviews

The Public Intellectual and the Culture of Hope

Greening the Maple
Canadian Ecocriticism in Context

Drawing from Life
Memory and Subjectivity in Comic Art

Shades of Laura
Vladimir Nabokov's Last Novel, The Original of Laura