Browse Books in Law

Bail Commercial
Commercial Lease

Entente de Confidentialite et Non-concurrence
Confidentiality and Non-Competition Agreement

Contrat de Societe pour Entreprise Non-Incorporee Seulement
Partnership Agreement for Unincorporated business only

Contrat de Services
Contract for Services

Contrat de Travail
Contract of Employment

Mandat (Procuration)
Power of Attorney

Canadian Manual of International Air Carriage

The Law of Large-Scale Claims
Product Liability, Mass Torts, and Complex Litigation in Canada

Re-imagining Policing in Canada

Probate Kit (and Administration Forms) for British Columbia
Everything you need to probate an estate

Divorce Kit for British Columbia (Joint)

Incorporation Kit for Alberta
A Breach of Duty
Fiduciary Obligations and Aboriginal Peoples

The Crime That Pays
Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in Canada

Special Lectures 2004
Corporate and Commercial Law

NAFTA Tax Law and Policy
Resolving the Clash between Economic and Sovereignty Interests

Counsel for the Defence
The Bernard Cohn Memorial Lectures in Criminal Law

Real Estate Agents, Beware!
Protect Your Deals — and Increase Your Success — by Avoiding These Legal Traps

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
The Best of the Advocates' Society Journal 1982–2004
Advancing Aboriginal Claims

Real Estate Purchase/Sale Forms - Ontario (Paper)

Real Estate Purchase/Sale Forms - British Columbia (Paper)

Landlord's Rental Forms - Alberta (Paper)

Understanding Section 8
Search, Seizure, and the Canadian Constitution