Browse Books in Law

Franchise Law

Recognizing Aboriginal Title
The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism

Our Box Was Full
An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs

International Environmental Law and Asian Values
Legal Norms and Cultural Influences

Despotic Dominion
Property Rights in British Settler Societies

Learned Friends
A Tribute to Fifty Remarkable Ontario Advocates, 1950–2000
The Laws of Government
The Legal Foundations of Canadian Democracy

Crime and Deviance in Canada
Historical Perspectives

Time's Up!
Mandatory Retirement in Canada

Feminism, Law, Inclusion
Intersectionality in Action

Ethics of the Body
Postconventional Challenges

Self-Employed Workers Organize
Law, Policy, and Unions

Good Government? Good Citizens?
Courts, Politics, and Markets in a Changing Canada

McCarthy Tetrault
Building Canada's Premier Law Firm

Estate Planning in Six Simple Steps

Testament et Mandat en Cas D'Inaptitude
Will and Living Will in case of Incapacity

Offre d'achat d'une Propriete Residentielle
Offer to Purchase a Residential Property

Entente de vie Commune entre Conjoints de fait
Cohabitation Agreement between Common Law spouses

Contrat de vente de Vehicule entre Particuliers
Vehicle Sale Agreement between Individuals

Contrat de pret d'argent entre Particuliers
Loan Agreement between Individuals

Contrat de Renovation entre Proprietaire et Entrepreneur
Renovation Agreement between Homeowner and Contractor

Contrat de Consultation
Consulting Agreement

Contrat de Co-entreprise
Joint Venture Agreement

Contrat d'agent Manufacturier
Manufacturer's Agent Agreement