Browse Books in Law

Delayed Prosecution for Childhood Sexual Abuse
Pension Law

Against Judicial Activism
The Decline of Freedom and Democracy in Canada

Special Lectures 2005
The Modern Law of Damages

Bringing Power to Justice?
The Prospects of the International Criminal Court

Litigating Conspiracy
An Analysis of Competition Class Actions

Regulating Energy and Natural Resources

Justice for Young Offenders
Their Needs, Our Responses

Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract

Recognizing Aboriginal Title
The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism

A True Story of Death and Honour

A Jurisprudence of Power
Victorian Empire and the Rule of Law

First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada's Courts

Law and Risk

Securing Borders
Detention and Deportation in Canada

Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Infanticide in Canada

Defending Rights in Russia
Lawyers, the State, and Legal Reform in the Post-Soviet Era

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life
Reflections on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Britain Confronts the Stalin Revolution
Anglo-Soviet Relations and the Metro-Vickers Crisis

The Challenge of Children’s Rights for Canada

“Race,” Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada
Historical Case Studies

The Companies We Keep
Corporate Governance for a Democratic Society

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume IX
Two Islands, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island