Browse Books in Law
Constitutional Law 3/e

Trauma, Trials, and Transformation
Guiding sexual assault victims through the legal system and beyond
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Second Edition

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, 2/e

International Law and Indigenous Knowledge
Intellectual Property, Plant Biodiversity, and Traditional Medicine

Sam's Will

Residential Real Estate Purchase & Sale

Forensic Pathology of Trauma

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries
Volume 3

Mental Disorder and the Law
A Primer for Legal and Mental Health Professionals

Behind Bars
Inside Ontario's Heritage Gaols

Blackstone's Guide to the Identity Cards Act 2006

Starlight Tour
The Last, Lonely Night of Neil Stonechild

The Chrétien Legacy
Politics and Public Policy in Canada

Imprisoning Our Sisters
The New Federal Women's Prisons in Canada

Critical Disability Theory
Essays in Philosophy, Politics, Policy, and Law

Calling for Change
Women, Law, and the Legal Profession

The Globalized Rule of Law
Relationships between International and Domestic Law

Civil Code of Quebec in Chart Form, The

The Governance of Privacy
Policy Instruments in Global Perspective

Gay Marriage
The Story of a Canadian Social Revolution
Yearbook of Cultural Property Law 2006

Empire’s Law
The American Imperial Project and the War to Remake the World

The Boundaries of Meaning and the Formation of Law
Legal Concepts and Reasoning in the English, Arabic, and Chinese Traditions