Browse Books in History

Trails to Gold
Roadhouses of the Cariboo

Architecture in the Family Way
Doctors, Houses, and Women, 1870-1900
A Partnership of Equals
The Struggle for the Reform of Family Law in Manitoba

Winnipeg General Strike of 1919
An Illustrated History
Western Witness
The Presbyterians in the Area of Synod of Manitoba

Shame and Humiliation
Presidential Decision Making on Vietnam

Where the Wagon Led

The Yonge Street Story, 1793-1860
An Account from Letters, Diaries and Newspapers, 1793-1860

A History of the Austrian Migration to Canada
Selected Essays

Austrian Immigration to Canada
Selected Essays
Austrian Immigration to Canada
Selected Essays
The Peter J. Braun Russian Mennonite Archive
A Research Guide

Fishing the Miramichi

The Cassock and the Crown
Canada's Most Controversial Murder Trial

Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism
Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood

Cassock and the Crown
Canada's Most Controversial Murder Trial

The Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism
Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood

Henry Goulburn, 1784-1856
A Political Biography
McGill Medicine, Volume 1
The First Half Century, 1829-1885
A Proper Dyaloge Betwene a Gentillman An

Battle Harbour Labrador 1832-1833

John Cabot and the Matthew

For the People
A History of St Francis Xavier University

Pleyn Delit
Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks