Browse Books in History

Beyond the Provinces
Literary Canada at Century's End

Toronto's Girl Problem
The Perils and Pleasures of the City, 1880-1930

Earning Respect
The Lives of Working Women in Small Town Ontario, 1920-1960

Glory of Ottawa
Canada's First Parliament Buildings

Hard Lessons
The Mine Mill Union in the Canadian Labour Movement
Rom Walking in the Path of the Gypsies

Northern Sandlots
A Social History of Maritime Baseball

Pilgrims in Lotus Land
Conservative Protestantism in British Columbia, 1917-1981

The Klondike’s “Dear Little Nuggett”

The Valencia Tragedy

Preserving Pioneer Memories
Reluctant Host
Canada's Response to Immigrant Workers, 1896-1994

Double Deception
Stalin, Hitler, and the Invasion of Russia

Church, College, and Clergy
A History of Theological Education at Knox College, Toronto, 1844-1994

View from Xanadu
William Randolph Hearst and United States Foreign Policy

Canadian Defence Industry in the New Global Environment

The English Emblem Tradition
Volume 3: Emblematic Flag Devices of the English Civil Wars, 1642-1660

Hope and Deception in Conception Bay

Changing Roles of Women within the Christian Church in Canada

The Faces of Reason
An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada1850-1950

Haven’t Any News
Ruby’s Letters from the Fifties

Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948
Volume 1: Debates. Volume 2: Reports and Papers.
The Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948
Volume 1: Debates. Volume 2: Reports and Papers.

Marriage or Celibacy?
The Daily Telegraph on a Victorian Dilemma