Browse Books in History
I'll Sing 'til the Day I Die

Siege of Fort Cumberland, 1776
An Episode in the American Revolution

When the North Was Red
Aboriginal Education in Soviet Siberia

White Siberia
The Politics of Civil War

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World

Search Out the Land
The Jews and the Growth of Equality in British Colonial America, 1740-1867

Late Roman Cavalryman AD 236-565

On Earth as It Is in Heaven
Gothic Revival Churches of Victorian New Brunswick

A Partisan's Memoir
Woman of the Holocaust
Sky Riders
An Illustrated History of Aviation in Alberta 1906-1945

Malcolm MacDonald
Bringing an End to Empire

Workers and Canadian History

George Grant in Conversation

Gender and Heresy
Women and Men in Lollard Communities, 142-153

Anatomy of a Naval Disaster
The 1746 French Expedition to North America

Organizing Civil Society
The Popular Sectors and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile

James McGill of Montreal

Wives and Mothers, School Mistresses and Scullery Maids
Working Women in Upper Canada, 1790-1840

Strangers Among Us

This Year In Jerusalem

The Donnelly Album
The Complete and Authentic Account of Canada's Famous Feuding Family
In Palliser's Triangle
Living in the Grasslands 1850-1930

Ghost Stories of Ontario

Toronto Sketches 4
The Way We Were