Browse Books in History
For the People
A History of St Francis Xavier University
Pleyn Delit
Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks
The Rockingham Connection and the Second Founding of the Whig Party
Rockingham Connection and the Second Founding of the Whig Party
The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture
Contemporaries of Erasmus
A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation, Volume 1 - A-E
British Idealism and Social Explanation
A Study in Late Victorian Thought
Strange Death of the Liberal Empire
Lord Selborne in South Africa
Distinguished Conduct Medal, The
Awarded to Members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1920
Dogtown to Dauphin
Distinguished Service Order, The
Awarded to Members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force and Canadians in the Royal Naval Air Service, The Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force 1915-1920
King of Baffin Land
Apprentice's Tale, The
Memory is a Fickle Jade
Manager's Tale, The
Military Cross, The
Awarded to Members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1921
The Entrepreneurs
Snug Little Flock, A
The Social Origins of the Riel Resistance of 1869-70
Many Tender Ties
Women in Fur-Trade Society, 1670-1870
Chief Trader, Hudson's Bay Company, 1923-39
Across the Keewatin Icefields
Three Years Among the Canadian Eskimos, 1913-1916
Lord Strathcona: A Biography Of Donald Alexander Smith
At the End of the Shift
Mines and Single-Industry Towns in Northern Ontario