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Browse Books in History

The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti

Volume II: The Small Finds

by (author) C.J. Simpson

The Detroit Tigers

Club and Community, 1945-1995

by (author) Patrick Harrigan

The Promise of Schooling

Education in Canada, 1800-1914

by (author) Paul Axelrod

The Klondike Gold Rush

Photographs from 1896-1899

by (author) Graham Wilson

Glyphs and Gallows

The Art of Clo-oose and the Wreck of John Bright

by (author) Peter Johnson

Servants of the Honourable Company

Work, Discipline, and Conflict in the Hudson's Bay Company, 1770-1879

by (author) Edith I. Burley

Rethinking Canada

The Promise of Women's History

edited by Veronica Strong-Boag & Anita Clair Fellman

Eighteenth-Century English Society

Shuttles and Swords

by (author) Douglas Hay & Nicholas Rogers

Development and Disorder

A History of the Third World Since 1945

by (author) Mike Mason

The Economics of Thomas Robert Malthus

by (author) Samuel Hollander

Ten Lost Years, 1929-1939

Memories of the Canadians Who Survived the Depression

by (author) Barry Broadfoot

Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity

Essays and Lectures in Modern Jewish Thought

by (author) Leo Strauss
introduction by Kenneth Hart Green

Canada Enters the Nuclear Age

A Technical History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited as Seen from Its Research Laboratories

by (author) D.G. Hurst

Winnipeg Landmarks

Vol. I

by (author) Murray Peterson
illustrated by Robert J. Sweeney

Military Spending in Developing Countries

by (author) Brian MacDonald

Steeped In Tradition

A Celebration of Tea

by (author) Frances Hoffman

Opération Friction 1990-1991

Golfe Persique: Le rôle joué par les Forces canadiennes

by (author) Jean H. Morin & Richard H. Gimblett

Operation Friction 1990-1991

The Canadian Forces in the Persian Gulf

by (author) Jean H. Morin & Richard H. Gimblett

Jesuit Series

Part One, A-D

by (author) Peter M. Daly & Richard Dimler

White Tie and Decorations

Sir John and Lady Hope Simpson in Newfoundland, 1934-1936

edited by Peter Neary

As Their Natural Resources Fail

Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930

by (author) Frank Tough

The Detroit Tigers

Club and Community, 1945-1995

by (author) Patrick Harrigan

The Detroit Tigers

Club and Community, 1945-1995

by (author) Patrick Harrigan

Becoming Canadian

Memoirs of an Invisible Immigrant

by (author) Michiel Horn

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