Browse Books in History

Props on Her Sleeve
The Wartime Letters of a Canadian Airwoman

T.A. Crerar
A Political Life

If the Irish Ran the World
Montserrat, 1630-1730

The Business of Benevolence
Industrial Paternalism in Progressive America
Winnipeg Landmarks
Vol. II

Louis XV's Army (4)
Light Troops and Specialists

The River City

Ocean Bridge
The History of RAF Ferry Command

The Heritage Strategy Planning Handbook

Constant Minds
Political Virtue and the Lipsian Paradigm in England, 1584-1650

Magnificent Entertainments
Fancy Dress Balls of Canada's Governors General, 1876-1898

The Estates of Old Toronto
Tom Three Persons
Legend of an Indian Cowboy

An Ottawa Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were

Dolls In Canada

The TTC Story
The First Seventy-Five Years

An Ottawa Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were

Toronto Sketches 5
The Way We Were

Mendel's Children
A Family Chronicle

Incorporating the Familiar
An Investigation into Legal Sensibilities in Nunavik

A Meditation on History, Method, and Sumas Lake

The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900

Revivals and Roller Rinks
Religion, Leisure, and Identity in Late-Nineteenth-Century Small-Town Ontario

Inventing the Loyalists
The Ontario Loyalist Tradition and the Creation of Usable Pasts