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Browse Books in History

Spring's End

by (author) John Freund

Under Arrest

Canadian Laws You Won't Believe

by (author) Bob Tarantino

Red China Blues (reissue)

My Long March from Mao to Now

by (author) Jan Wong

Citizen of the World

The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Volume One: 1919-1968

by (author) John English

The West Beyond the West

A History of British Columbia

by (author) Jean Barman

Captains, Mansions and Millionaires

by (author) John Hawkins

St. John's: City of Fire

by (author) Paul Butler

The Prairie West as Promised Land

contributions by Doug Owram, R. Douglas Francis, Chris Kitzan, Laurence Kitzan, Matthew Wrangler, David Hall, Sarah Carter, Anthony W. Rasporich, Bill Waiser, Randi Warne, Bradford J. Rennie, Catherine A. Cavanaugh, Steve Hewitt, George Melnyk, Michael Fedyk & Brett Fairbairn

Transforming the Nation

Canada and Brian Mulroney

by (author) Raymond B. Blake

Nixon in China

The Week That Changed The World

by (author) Margaret MacMillan


How the Horse Has Shaped Civilizations

by (author) J. Edward Chamberlin

World Made Sexy

Freud to Madonna

by (author) Paul Rutherford

English Atlantics Revisited

Essays Honouring Ian K. Steele

by (author) Nancy L. Rhoden

Some Family

The Mormons and How Humanity Keeps Track of Itself

by (author) Donald Harman Akenson

Poets and Pahlevans

A Journey into the Heart of Iran

by (author) Marcello Di Cintio

A Military History of Canada

by (author) Desmond Morton

Columbia Journals

Bicentennial Edition

by (author) David Thompson

Columbia Journals

by (author) David Thompson

New Zealand Filmmakers

contributions by Ian Conrich, Stuart Murray, Stacey Abbott, Roger Horrocks, Sam Edwards, Laurence Simmons, Estella Tincknell, Geraldene Peters, James Chapman, Stan Jones, Andrew Spicer, Barbara Cairns, Bruce Babington, Helen Martin, Stephanie Rains, Eva Rueschmann, David A. Gerstner, Jonathan Rayner, Kirsten Moana Thompson & Barry Keith Grant

Cree Narrative Memory

From Treaties to Contemporary Times

by (author) Neal McLeod

Eradicating the Devil's Minions

Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe, 1535-1600

by (author) Gary K. Waite

Modelling the Tiger I

by (author) Gary Edmundson, David Parker & Steve van Beveren

Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada

Translation and Transculturation / traduction et transculturation

edited by Norman Cheadle & Lucien Pelletier

Of Boats on the Collar

How It Was In One Newfoundland Fishing Community

by (author) Hilda Chaulk Murray

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