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Browse Books in History

At Home with History

The Untold Secrets of Greater Vancouver's Heritage Homes

by (author) Eve Lazarus

Laughing Matters

Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France

by (author) Sara Beam


A Portrait Of A Country And Its People

by (author) Roy MacGregor

Government House

The Ceremonial Home of All British Columbians

text by Rosemary Neering
photographs by Tony Owen

Wetlands of Mass Destruction

Ancient Presage for Contemporary Ecocide in Southern Iraq

edited by Robert Lawrence France
foreword by Edward L. Ochsenschlager

Honour Roll

by (author) W. James MacDonald

Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

by (author) Richard W. Unger

Freshwater Heritage

A History of Sail on the Great Lakes, 1670-1918

by (author) Don Bamford
foreword by Maurice Smith

Strangers at Our Gates

Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, 1540-2006 Revised Edition

by (author) Valerie Knowles

The Pacific War Companion

From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima

by (author) Daniel Marston

Three Against the Wilderness

by (author) Eric Collier

Historical Distillates

Chemistry at the University of Toronto since 1843

by (author) Adrian G. Brook & W.A.E. (Peter) McBryde

The Manly Modern

Masculinity in Postwar Canada

by (author) Christopher Dummitt

The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire

Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun

by (author) Roger Beck

Fous, prodigues et ivrognes

Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle

by (author) Thierry Nootens

The Writings of Julian of Norwich

A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation of Love

edited and translated by Nicholas Watson
edited by Jacqueline Jenkins

The Island of Seven Cities

Where the Chinese Settled When They Discovered North America

by (author) Paul Chiasson

Sorry, I Don't Speak French

Confronting the Canadian Crisis That Won't Go Away

by (author) Graham Fraser

The Book of Revenge

by (author) Dragan Todorovic

Ruling Peasants

Village and State in Late Imperial Russia

by (author) Corinne Gaudin

An Atlas of the Geology and Mineral Deposits of Ukraine

edited by Leonid Galets'kyi
translated by Walter Peredery


Birth of a Modern Nation

by (author) Serhy Yekelchyk

Why I Hate Canadians

by (author) Will Ferguson

Trickster Travels

A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds

by (author) Natalie Zemon Davis

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