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Browse Books in History

Nancy's Wedding Feast

by (author) Yvonne C. Leverte & James O. St. Clair

I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors

by (author) Bernice Eisenstein

Dundurn Castle

Sir Allan MacNab and his Hamilton Home

by (author) Edward Smith


Unmarried Motherhood and the Ontario Children of Unmarried Parents Act, 1921-1969

by (author) Lori Chambers

Modelling the Late Panzerkampfwagen IV

by (author) Tom Cockle & Gary Edmundson

In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies

by (author) James Outram
foreword by Chic Scott

Ottoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity

Literature in Turkey During World War I

by (author) Erol Köroglu

Evergreen Country, The

A Memoir of Vietnam

by (author) Thuong Vuong-Riddick

Crimes and Mercies

The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950

by (author) James Bacque

Historic Eastern Passage

by (author) John Boileau

The Alphabet Fleet

The Pride of the Newfoundland Coastal Service

by (author) Maura Hanrahan

Final Voyages Volume III

by (author) Jim Wellman

Where the Water Meets the Land

by (author) John Boileau

Who Killed the Avro Arrow?

by (author) Chris Gainor

Pro-Poor Land Reform

A Critique

by (author) Saturnino Borras

Dark Storm Moving West

by (author) Barbara Belyea

Rabbis and their Community

Studies in the Eastern European Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930

by (author) Ira Robinson

Canadians in the Battle of the Atlantic

by (author) Larry Gray


by (author) Linden MacIntyre

Growing Up In Notre Dame De Grace

memoir by Russell Bain
illustrated by John Collins

It Happened in New Brunswick

by (author) David Goss

Getting Out Alive

by (author) Tommy Dick

The Violin/A Child's Testimony

by (author) Rachel Shtibel & Adam Shtibel

Bits and Pieces

by (author) Henia Reinhartz

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