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Browse Books in History


An Illustrated History

by (author) Paul Robert Magocsi

Canada's Prime Ministers

Macdonald to Trudeau - Portraits from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography

edited by Ramsay Cook

Historic Fredericton North

by (author) Anita Jones & Ted Jones

The Washington Diaries


by (author) Allan Gotlieb

A Journey to the Northern Ocean

The Adventures of Samuel Hearne

by (author) Samuel Hearne
introduction by Ken McGoogan

Hell and High Water

by (author) Lance Goddard


An Island Utopia

by (author) Paula Wild

Cinderella Army

The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945

by (author) Terry Copp

Who Killed Canadian History Revised Edition

by (author) Jack Granatstein

From Peasants to Labourers

Ukrainian and Belarusan Immigration from the Russian Empire to Canada

by (author) Vadim Kukushkin

Emigrant Worlds and Transatlantic Communities

Migration to Upper Canada in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

by (author) Elizabeth Jane Errington

La Jeunesse au Canada français

Formation, mouvements et identité

edited by Michel Bock

Women in the Ottoman Balkans

Gender, Culture and History

edited by Amila Buturovic & Irvin Cemil Schick

People's Road Revisited, The

by (author) Wade Kearley

The North End

Photographs by John Paskievich

by (author) John Paskievich
introduction by Stephen Osborne

Max Weber's 'Objectivity' Reconsidered

by (author) Laurence McFalls

The Dirt on Clean

An Unsanitized History

by (author) Katherine Ashenburg

Canadian Churches

An Architectural History

by (author) Peter Richardson & Douglas Richardson
photographs by John Visser

Old Canadian Cemeteries

Places of Memory

by (author) Jane Irwin
photographs by John Visser

Hunting Halifax

by (author) Steven Laffoley

Nova Scotia Shaped by the Sea

by (author) Lesley Choyce

Cold Comfort, Second Edition

My Love Affair with the Arctic

by (author) Graham Rowley

Alone Against the Arctic

by (author) Anthony Dalton

Leaving Newfoundland

A History of Out-Migration

by (author) Stephen Nolan

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