Browse Books in History

McCord Family
A Passionate Vision
The McCord Family
A Passionate Vision

As Long as the Rivers Run
Hydroelectric Development and Native Communities

Theodor Herzl
From Assimilation to Zionism

Women Challenging Unions
Feminism, Democracy, and Militancy

Biography and Autobiography
Essays on Irish and Canadian History and Literature

Seize the Day

Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1848-1851, Volume V


Jew and Philosopher
The Return to Maimonides in the Jewish Thought of Leo Strauss

A Nineteenth-Century Medical Life

Surgeons, Smallpox, and the Poor
A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749-1799

Historical Atlas of Canada
Volume II: The Land Transformed, 1800-1891

Frank Harrington's Kristmiss Book


The Splendid Vision
Centennial History of the National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1993

Drink in Canada
Historical Essays

Canadian Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century
An Introduction to its Character

Remaking Liberalism
The Intellectual Legacy of Adam Shortt, O.D. Skelton, W.C. Clark, and W.A. Mackintosh, 1890-1925

Words and Deeds in Renaissance Rome
Trials before the Papal Magistrates

Facts of Life
The Social Construction of Vital Statistics, Ontario 1869-1952

Adèle Hugo
La Misérable

Ex Uno Plures
Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada, 1867-1896

Esther in Medieval Garb
Jewish Interpretation of the Book of Esther in the Middle Ages