Browse Books in History
Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism, 1867-1892
Crime and Punishment in Canada
A History
Invasions of North America
Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
In the Shadow of the Law
Divorce in Canada 1900-1939
The Soderini and the Medici
Power and Patronage in Fifteenth-Century Florence
Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories
The History of a Sugar House
Political Thought in Japanese Historical Writing
From Kojiki (712) to Tokushi Yoron (1712)
Land of Feast and Famine
Failure of l'Action Libérale Nationale
The Last Invasion of Canada
The Fenian Raids, 1866–1870
British Columbia Coast Names
Their Origin and History
Frontier and Metropolis
Regions, Cities, and Identities in Canada before 1914
The Beothuk of Newfoundland
A Vanished People
Frontier and Metropolis
Regions, Cities, and Identities in Canada before 1914
Foundations of Faith
Historic Religious Buildings of Ontario
Lilies of the Hearth
The Historical Relationship Between Women and Plants
Role of Transportation in the Industrial Revolution
A Comparison of England and France
The Queen's People
A Study of Hegemony, Coercion, and Accommodation among the Okanagan of Canada
Canada Among Nations, 1993-94
Global Jeopardy
Choosing Canada's Capital
Conflict Resolution In a Parliamentary System
The New Democracy
Challenging the Social Order in Industrial Ontario, 1914-1925