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Browse Books in Art

Joan Balzar

Vancouver Orbital

by (author) Bill Jeffries



by (author) Philip Monk & Emelie Chhangur

Billy J. McCarroll

How to Play a Winning Game Your Natural Way

by (author) Jeffrey Spalding, Ryan Doherty & Peter White

Bollywood Cinema Showcards

Indian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980s

edited by Deepali Dewan


A Compendium of the Blackwood Gallery's Exhibitions and Projects in 2009

edited by Christof Migone

Silent As Glue

Lynda Gammon, Matt Harle, Elspeth Pratt

by (author) Micah Lexier

Rearview Mirror

New Art from Central & Eastern Europe

by (author) Christopher Eamon

Lost and Found

Wright of Derby's View of Gibraltar

by (author) John Bonehill, Janet M. Brooke & Barbara Klempan

Lucky Rabbit

Debra Kuzyk and Ray Mackie in an ancient garden

by (author) Gloria Hickey

Gordon Monahan

Seeing Sound / sound art, performance and music 1978-2011

edited by Linda Jansma & Carsten Seiffarth

Françoise Lacasse

Les déversements / Outpourings

by (author) Marie-Eve Beaupré & Roald Nasgaard

General Idea

by (author) Frédéric Bonnet, David Moos & Jean-Christophe Ammann

Geordie Lishman

Hidden Worlds

by (author) Linda Jansma

Clint Neufeld

Grandpa Used to Wash My Hands with Gasoline

by (author) George Harris

Alex Wyse

Wyse Works: Exposing the Inevitable / Les travaux de Wyse: Exposer l'inévitable

by (author) Catherine Sinclair & Christopher Youngs

Amin Rehman

White Wash

by (author) Ken Giles & Ali Amira


A Beginner’s Guide to Métis Floral Beadwork

by (author) Gregory Scofield & Amy Briley
introduction by Sherry Farrell Racette

Carvings and Commerce

Model Totem Poles 1880-2010

by (author) Michael D. Hall & Pat Glascock

Affirming Collaboration

Community and Humanist Activist Art in Quebec and Elsewhere

edited by Devora Neumark & Johanne Chagnon

Célébrer la collaboration

Art communautaire et art activiste humaniste au Québec et ailleurs

edited by Devora Neumark & Johanne Chagnon

Expo 67

Not Just a Souvenir

edited by Rhona Richman Kenneally & Johanne Sloan


by (author) Jenifer Papararo

Grafik Dynamo

Kate Armstrong and Michael Tippett

by (author) Joseph Tabbi

Bow Lake

Wellspring of Art

by (author) Jane Lytton Gooch

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