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Browse Books in Art

The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier

From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk

edited by Thierry-Maxime Loriot

Good Intentions

Jon Sasaki

by (author) Ann MacDonald, Crystal Mowry & Ben Portis


Greg Curnoe: Shaped Collages 1965-1968

by (author) Ben Portis, Robert Fones & Carol-Ann M. Ryan

The Colour of My Dreams

The Surrealist Revolution in Art

edited by Dawn Ades


The Art and Imagination of Ruben Anton Komangapik

by (author) Ruben Komangapik
photographs by Estelle Marcoux Komangapik


Painting the Canvas of a City

text by David Macfarlane
photographs by Nigel Dickson

textual vishyuns

image and text in the work of bill bissett

by (author) Carl Peters

Nadia Myre


by (author) Sandra Dyck, Édith-Anne Pageot & Colette Tougas

Steven Shearer

« Exhume to Consume »

with Josee Drouin-Brisebois

Rowena Dykins


by (author) Jonathan Bordo & Carla Garnet


by (author) Robert McLaughlin Gallery

Oliver Husain

Spoiler Alert

lyrics by Oliver Husain
by (author) Emelie Chhangur & Ian White

Diane Borsato

lyrics by Diane Borsato
text by Emelie Chhangur & Darren O'Donnell
by (author) Stephanie Springgay

Last Folio

Textures of Jewish Life in Slovakia

by (author) Yuri Dojc & Katya Krausova

Coastal Moments

From the Island Illustrators Society

The Insurance Man

Kafka in the Penal Colony

edited by Jerry Zaslove & Bill Jeffries

Sister and I from Victoria to London

From Victoria to London

by (author) Emily Carr
foreword by Kathryn Bridge

The Listener

illustrated by David Lester

Will Gorlitz

nowhere if not here

by (author) Bruce W. Ferguson, Peggy Gale, Jeffrey Spalding & David Urban

Picturing the Land

Narrating Territories in Canadian Landscape Art, 1500-1950

by (author) Marylin J. McKay

Indie Rock Poster Book

by (author) Yellow Bird Project & Andy J. Miller

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

by (author) Lewis Carroll
by (artist) George A. Walker

Jack Chambers

the light from the darkness: silver paintings and film work

by (author) Mark A. Cheetham, Jack Chambers & Ihor Holubizky

Architecture en uniforme

Projeter et construire pour la Seconde Guerre mondiale

by (author) Jean-Louis Cohen

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