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Browse Books in Art

Wanda Koop

Sur le fil de l'expérience

with Josee Drouin-Brisebois, Mary Reid & Robin Laurence

Sewing Our Traditions

Dolls of Canada's North

by (author) Yukon Art Center

sciencefiction sciencefair

by (author) Corinna Ghaznavi

Runa Islam

by (author) Rachel Kent

Michael Schreier

Storyteller/Waiting for Words / Chroniqueur/Que viennent les mots

by (author) Emily Falvey

Marie Lannoo

Through and Through and Through

by (author) Roald Nasgaard

Ian Wallace

The Economy of the Image

edited by Gregory Burke
text by Josh Thorpe

Gwenaël Bélanger

Casser l'image / Fragmenting the Image

by (author) Melanie Boucher, Bernard Lamarche & Yann Pocreau

James Gordaneer

A Life in Painting

by (author) Lisa Baldissera & Nicole Stanbridge

James Henderson

Wicite Owapi Wicasa: the man who paints the old men

by (author) Dan Ring

Ivan Wheale

An Artist's Journey

by (author) Krysta Telenko

Drama and Desire

Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War

edited by Guy Cogeval & Beatrice Avanzi

Davida Kidd

Who Needs Art When You Have a View Like This

by (author) Josephine Mills & Sophie Brodovitch

Don Maynard

Franken Forest

by (author) The Robert McLaughlin Gallery & Linda Jansma

Ed Pien

L'antre des délices / Haven of Delight

by (author) Eve-Lyne Beaudry

Ellen Moffat

Comp Ose

foreword by Kent Archer

Elizabeth McIntosh

a good play

by (author) Jan Verwoert

Angela Grauerholz

The inexhaustible image... épuiser l'image

with Martha Hanna

Paul Kane /The Artist/

Wilderness to Studio

by (author) Kenneth R. Lister

Emily Carr

On the Edge of Nowhere

by (author) Mary Jo Hughes & Kerry Mason

Photographies françaises du XIXe siècle du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada

du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada

with James Borcoman

The Logic of Nature, the Romance of Space

Elements of Canadian Modernist Painting

by (author) Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Georgiana Uhlyarik & Lisa Daniels

The Optimism of Colour

William Perehudoff, a retrospective

by (author) Karen Wilkin, Roald Nasgaard & Robert Christie

Take Your Time

by (author) Bill Jeffries & Vanessa Sorenson

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