Browse Books in Cultural
Exploration d’un champ conceptuel
The Force of Family
Repatriation, Kinship, and Memory on Haida Gwaii
Europe in Its Own Eyes, Europe in the Eyes of the Other
The Franz Boas Enigma
Inuit, Arctic, and Sciences
Becoming Inummarik
Men's Lives in an Inuit Community
End-of-Earth People
The Arctic Sahtu Dene
Du coq à l’âme
L’art populaire au Québec
On Being Here to Stay
Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada
The Salish People volume: IV eBook
The Sechelt and South-Eastern Tribes of Vancouver Island
Making Place
Space and Embodiment in the City
Body of Vision
Northrop Frye and the Poetics of Mind
Who is an Indian?
Race, Place, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas
Chieftains into Ancestors
Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China
Natural Space In Literature
Imagination and Environment in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Fiction and Poetry
No Longer Captives of the Past
The Story of Reconciliation on Erromango
The Hakkas of Sarawak
Sacrificial Gifts in Cold War Era Malaysia
The Salish People: Volume I ebook
The Thompson and the Okanagan
Creative Margins
Cultural Production in Canadian Suburbs
Palestinian Music and Song
Expression and Resistance since 1900
This Is Our Life
Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice
Troubling Natural Categories
Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock
First Peoples of Canada
Masterworks from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century
Sexual Diversity in Africa
Politics, Theory, and Citizenship