Browse Books in Cultural

Growing Up Transnational
Identity and Kinship in a Global Era

Latin American Cinemas
Local Views and Transnational Connections

Could You Live This Way? Would You Live This Way?
An Illustrated Compilation of Idealistic Experiments in North America

Speaking for a Long Time
Public Space and Social Memory in Vancouver

Ordinary Ethics
Anthropology, Language, and Action

Will the Real Alberta Please Stand Up?

Spiritual Economies
Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development

Moving Mountains
Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam, and Laos

Contemporary African Fashion

Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
The Anthropology of Museums

Do Glaciers Listen?
Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination

Cannabis and the Soma Solution

Adventures in Eating
Anthropological Experiences in Dining from Around the World

One of the Family
Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

To Know Our Many Selves
From the Study of Canada to Canadian Studies

Contesting Aging and Loss

Contesting Aging and Loss

A Kindly Scrutiny of Human Nature
Essays in Honour of Richard Slobodin

Despite This Loss
Essays on Culture, Memory and Identity in Newfoundland and Labrador

Trail of Story, Traveller's Path
Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape

Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

Trail of Story, Traveller’s Path
Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape

SARS Unmasked
Risk Communication of Pandemics and Influenza in Canada

Making a Living
Place, Food, and Economy in an Inuit Community