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Browse Books in Cultural

Why the Porcupine is Not a Bird

Explorations in the Folk Zoology of an Eastern Indonesian People

by (author) Gregory Forth

Mining and Communities in Northern Canada

History, Politics, and Memory

contributions by Arn Keeling, John Sandlos, Patricia Boulter, Jean-Sebastien Boutet, Emilie Cameron, Sarah Gordon, Heather Green, Jane Hammond, Joella Hogan, Tyler Levitan, Hereward Longley, Scott Midgley, Kevin O’Reilly, Andrea Procter & Alexandra Winton

Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada, The

edited by Nurjehan Aziz

Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada, The

Culture, Politics, and Self

edited by Nurjehan Aziz

Stymphalos, Volume One

The Acropolis Sanctuary

edited by Gerald Schaus

Migrant Hearts and the Atlantic Return

Transnationalism and the Roman Catholic Church

by (author) Valentina Napolitano

Corridor Talk to Culture History

Public Anthropology and Its Consequences

edited by Regna Darnell & Frederic W. Gleach

Phenomenology in Anthropology

A Sense of Perspective

edited by Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston
afterword by Michael Jackson
contributions by Jaap Timmer, Daniel Fisher, Ian Bedford, Robert Desjarlais, Deborah Van Heekeren, Monica Dalidowicz, C. Jason Throop, Lisa L. Wynn, Thomas Csordas & Greg Downey

Legacies of Violence

History, Society, and the State in Sardinia

by (author) Antonio Sorge

Perspectives on Traditional Health

Interviewing Inuit Elders: Volume 5

by (author) Ilisapi Ootoova, Tipuula Qaapik Atagutsiak, Tirisi Ijjangiaq, Jaikku Pitseolak, Aalasi Joamie, Akisu Joamie & Malaija Papatsie
edited by Michele Therrien & Frederic Laugrand

Unknotting the Heart

Unemployment and Therapeutic Governance in China

by (author) Jie Yang

Cultural Techniques

Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real

by (author) Bernhard Siegert
translated by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

Frontier Livelihoods

Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands

by (author) Sarah Turner, Christine Bonnin & Jean Michaud

The Life of the Copper Eskimos

by (author) Barnett Richling & Diamond Jenness

Textual Exposures

Photography in Twentieth Century Latin American Narrative Fiction

by (author) Dan Russek

Tellings From Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub

The Complete Two-Volume Set

by (author) David Beck & Thom Hess

Milanese Encounters

Public Space and Vision in Contemporary Urban Italy

by (author) Cristina Moretti

The Moral Economy of Cities

Shaping Good Citizens

by (author) Evelyn S. Ruppert

The Land of Weddings and Rain

Nation and Modernity in Post-Socialist Lithuania

by (author) Gediminas Lankauskas

Trojan-Horse Aid

Seeds of Resistance and Resilience in the Bolivian Highlands and Beyond

by (author) Susan Walsh

Anthropologists and Their Traditions across National Borders

edited by Regna Darnell & Frederic W. Gleach

The Pleasure of the Crown ebook

Anthropology, Law and First Nations

by (author) Dara Culhane

Culturing Bioscience

A Case Study in the Anthropology of Science

by (author) Udo Krautwurst

A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend e-book

by (author) Ralph Maud

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