Browse Books in Social Science

A Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950

Star Trek and Sacred Ground
Explorations of Star Trek, Religion, and American Culture

Social Science under Debate
A Philosophical Perspective

Cancer Stories
On Life and Suffering
Restructuring Caring Labour
Discourse, State Practice, and Everyday Life

Keeping the Lakes' Way
Reburial and Re-creation of a Moral World among an Invisible People

Rave America
New School Dancescapes
Earning and Caring in Canadian Families

Earning and Caring in Canadian Families

The Triumph of Narrative
Storytelling in the Age of Mass Culture

Culture, Spirituality, and Family Violence

The Cost of Living

Making Do
Women, Family and Home in Montreal during the Great Depression

Be Good, Sweet Maid
The Trials of Dorothy Joudrie

Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden

The Annual Review of Women in World Religions
Volume V

Immigrant Canada
Demographic, Economic, and Social Challenges

Feminist Success Stories - Célébrons nos réussites féministes

Justice in Paradise

Women's Voices in Health Promotion
Way of the Masks, The

Reclaiming the Future
Women's Strategies for the 21st Century

God's Assassins
State Terrorism in Argentina in the 1970s
A Geography of Heritage
Power, Culture and Economy