Browse Books in Social Science

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V10 #1 & 2

Fragile Edge
Loss on Everest

Ways of Knowing
Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha

White Man's Law
Native People in Nineteenth-Century Canadian Jurisprudence

Feminism and World Religions
The Practice of Field Instruction in Social Work
Theory and Process (Second Edition)

The Vertical Mosaic Revisited

With Scarcely a Ripple
Anglo-Canadian Migration into the United States and Western Canada, 1880-1920

Making it Home
Place in Canadian Literature

Premature Bonanza
Standoff At Voisey’s Bay

Nation, Empire, Colony
Historicizing Gender and Race

Taking Risks
Literary Journalism from the Edge
Course Outlines on Women and Politics, second edition

Female Economy
Women's Work in a Prairie Province, 1870-1970
Franz Boas with the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883-1884
Journals and Letters

On the Case
Explorations in Social History

The Family Squeeze
Surviving the Sandwich Generation

A Feminist I
Reflections from Academia
Canadian Penology
Penal Abolition
The Practical Choice
Family Day Care
Current Research for Informed Public Policy
Sociological Method
An Introduction to the Science of Sociology
New Newcomers
Patterns of Adjustment of West Indian Immigrant Children in Metropolitan Toronto Schools
A New Life in Canada
The Letters of Sophia Eastwood, 1843-1870