Browse Books in Social Science

Two Months in the Camp of Big Bear

Native North America
Critical and Cultural Perspectives

Getting Away With Murder
The Canadian Criminal Justice System

Writing the Social
Critique, Theory, and Investigations

The Mountain Is Moving
Japanese Women's Lives

The Life and Death of a Canadian Black Community

The Caribbean Diaspora in Toronto
Learning to Live with Racism

Fraser Canyon Histories 1808-1939
Social Work and HIV
The Canadian Experience

Bush Telegraph
Discovering the Pacific Province

SpecialLink Book
The Irish in North America: A Regional Bibliography

Stories from a Sustainable World
Canadian Woman Studies
An Introductory Reader

Equity and How to Get It
Rescuing Graduate Studies

Other Worlds
Society Seen Through Soap Opera

First Nations of the Plains
Creative, Adaptable and Enduring
Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

Meta Incognita: a discourse of discovery - volume 2
Martin Frobisher's Arctic expeditions, 1576-1578

Meta Incognita: a discourse of discovery - volume 1
Martin Frobisher's Arctic expeditions, 1576-1578

Femmes de carrière, carrières de femmes
Étude des trajectoires familiales, scolaires et professionnelles des gestionnaires québecoises et on

Publicité de masse et masse publicitaire
Le marché québecois des années 1920 aux années 1960

Les Femmes en milieu universitaire
Liberté d'apprendre autrement

Tommy McGinty's Northern Tutchone story of crow
A First Nation elder recounts the creation of the world