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Browse Books in Social Science

Du corps des femmes

Contrôles, surveillances et résistances

edited by Sylvie Frigon & Michèle Kérisit

Early Paleo-Indian Site Near Parkhill, Ontario

by (author) Christopher Ellis & D. Brian Deller

L’ Expérience sociale du quotidien

Corps, espace, temps

by (author) Monique Haicault

Creating Societies

Immigrant Lives in Canada

by (author) Dirk Hoerder

Transmission Difficulties

Franz Boas and Tsimshian Mythology

by (author) Ralph Maud

Inuit Journey

The Co-operative Adventure in Canada's North

by (author) Edith Iglauer

Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Can...

by (author) Sarah Alexander Carter

Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900

by (author) Sarah Carter

In Good Hands

The Women of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild

by (author) Ellen McLeod

Teen Pregnancy and Parenting

Social and Ethical Issues

edited by David A. Checkland & James Wong

Theorizing the Americanist Tradition

edited by Lisa Phillips Valentine & Regna Darnell

Contracting Masculinity

Gender, Class, and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-1994

by (author) Gillian Creese

Street-Level Democracy

Political Settings at the Margins of Global Power

by (author) Jonathan Barker
with Anne-Marie Cwikowski, Christie Gombay, Katherine Isbester, Kole Shettima & Aparna Sundar

Basic Income

Economic Security For All Canadians

by (author) Sally Lerner, Charles Clark & Robert Needham

Canadian Social Trends

edited by Craig McKie

Interrogating Social Justice

Politics, Culture, and Identity

edited by Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train

Canadian Nordicity

It's Your North, Too

by (author) Louis-Edmond Hamelin
translated by William Barr

Diary of a European Tour, 1900

by (author) Margaret Addison & Jean O'Grady


A Millennium Portrait

by (author) Desmond Morton

Women's Changing Landscapes

Life Stories from Three Generations

edited by Greta Hofmann Nemiroff

Normalizing the Ideal

Psychology, Schooling, and the Family in Postwar Canada

by (author) Mona Gleason

Black Eyes All of the Time

Intimate Violence, Aboriginal Women, and the Justice System

by (author) Brenda Comaskey & Anne McGillivray

Tricksters and Trancers

Bushman Religion and Society

by (author) Mathias Guenther

Analyzing Cultures

An Introduction and Handbook

by (author) Marcel Danesi & Paul Perron

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