Browse Books in Religion

The Future of Catholicism

Inside the Ark
The Hutterites in Canada and the United States

Daughters of Hecate
Women and Magic in the Ancient World

Unwrapping the Greatest Gift
A Family Celebration of Christmas

After the New Atheist Debate

The Renaissance and Reformation in Northern Europe

Les maîtres spirituels chrétiens

Jeanne Le Ber. Un itinéraire (livre numérique PDF)
Big Sky Cowboy

Pour lire les sages

Vivre ensemble. Un défi pratique pour la théologie

La formation presbytérale aujourd'hui

Jeanne Le Ber. Un itinéraire

Huguenots et protestants francophones au Québec
Fragments d'histoire

The Finest Tree
and other Christmas Stories from Atlantic Canada

The Pilgrim Soul
A Path to the Sacred Transcending World Religions
When Angels Weep

Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas
Textualities, Intellectual Disputes, Intercultural Transfer

La formation presbytérale aujourd'hui (numérique PDF)

Orthodox Christianity in Imperial Russia
A Source Book on Lived Religion

The Bhagavad-Gita
A New Translation

The Witch's Eight Paths of Power
A Complete Course in Magick and Witchcraft

Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas
Intercultural Transfers Intellectual Disputes, and Textualities

American Protestant Theology
A Historical Sketch