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Browse Books in Religion

Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century

edited by Robert W. Hefner
afterword by Peter L. Berger
contributions by David A. Martin, Paul Freston, David J. Maxwell, Bernice Martin, Nanlai Cao, Artyom H. Tonoyan, Timothy Samuel Shah, Katharine Wiegele & Rebecca Samuel Shah

A Year of Biblical Womanhood

How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband "Master"

by (author) Rachel Held Evans
read by Shannon McManus

The Return of Ancestral Gods

Modern Ukrainian Paganism as an Alternative Vision for a Nation

by (author) Mariya Lesiv

Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods

Social Memory and Imagination

edited by Diana V. Edelman & Ehud Ben Zvi

Democracy & the Political in Max Weber's Thought

by (author) Terry Maley

The Holy Universe

A New Story of Creation for the Heart, Soul, and Spirit

by (author) David Christopher

Through Dust and Darkness

A Motorcycle Journey of Fear and Faith in the Middle East

by (author) Jeremy Kroeker

Running Toward Stillness

by (author) Stephen Legault

Embracing Spiritual Awakening Guide

Diana Butler Bass on the Dynamics of Experiential Faith - GUIDE

by (author) Diana Butler Bass
with Tim Scorer

Rewriting the Break Event

Mennonites and Migration in Canadian Literature

by (author) Robert Zacharias

Women and the Gift

Beyond the Given and All-Giving

edited by Morny Joy
contributions by Deborah Lyons, Lorraine Markotic, Nancy J. Holland, Kathleen O'Grady, Mariana Ortega & Maria C. Cimitile

Along the Path

The Meditator's Companion to Pilgrimage in the Buddha's India and Nepal

by (author) Kory Goldberg & Michelle Décary

Northern Lights

An Anthology of Contemporary Christian Writing in Canada

by (author) Byron Rempel-Burkhold & Dora Dueck

Justice sociale, ouverture et nationalisme au Québec (numérique PDF)

Regards de Julien Harvey

by (author) Élisabeth Garant

Une Église pour le monde (numérique PDF)

by (author) Pierre Goudreault

Lexique sympathique de la foi (numérique PDF)

by (author) Lise Lachance

Vivre au présent le deuil (numérique PDF)

by (author) Fernand Patry

Lexique sympathique de la Bible (numérique PDF)

by (author) Sébastien Doane

Une spiritualité laïque au quotidien (numérique PDF)

Neuf voies d'accès au spirituel

by (author) Jacques Grand'Maison

The Dance Between God and Humanity

Reading the Bible Today as the People of God

by (author) Bruce K. Waltke

Une Église pour le monde

Entretiens avec Mgr Jean-Guy Hamelin

by (author) Pierre Goudreault

Carnet Prière Avent et temps de Noël 2013

by (author) Danielle D'Anjou-Villemaire

Vie liturgique #404 - Avent 2013

by (author) Vie Liturgique (collectif)

Chant-thème proposé pour l'Avent 2013 (paquet 10)

by (author) Guylain Prince

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