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Browse Books in Religion

Au quotidien... Carême 2015

by (author) Yvon Métras


A Shorter Commentary

by (author) G.K. Beale & David Campbell

The Many Waters

"And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

by (author) Lauretta Lueck
general editor Words Are My Business

A University of the Church for the World

Essays in honour of Gerald Gerbrandt

edited by Paul Dyck & Harry Huebner

Searching for a Universal Ethic

Multidisciplinary, Ecumenical, and Interfaith Responses to the Catholic Natural Law Tradition

edited by John Berkman & William C. Mattison

Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country

Memories of a Mother and Son

by (author) Elizabeth Bingham Young & E. Ryerson Young
edited by Jennifer S.H. Brown

Law and Legality in the Greek East

The Byzantine Canonical Tradition, 381-883

by (author) David Wagschal

Mapping the Legal Boundaries of Belonging

Religion and Multiculturalism from Israel to Canada

edited by René Provost

A Man of Little Faith

by (author) Michel Deguy
introduction by Christopher Elson
contributions by Jean-Luc Nancy

Longing for Home

Daily Reflections for Lent

edited by Alydia Smith

Big Sky Daddy

by (author) Linda Ford

The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Revised Edition

by (author) Gordon D. Fee

Rethinking the Messianic Idea in Judaism

edited by Michael L. Morgan & Steven Weitzman
contributions by Elisheva Carlebach, Emily Kopley, Cosana Eram, Matt Goldish, Shai Held, Motti Inbari, Martin Kavka, Shaul Magid, Benjamin Pollock, Annette Reed, Kenneth Seeskin, David Shatz & Menachem Kellner

Traverser le deuil de ma paroisse

by (author) Pierre Goudreault

Tackling Hate

Combatting Antisemitism: The Ottawa Protocol

edited by Scott Reid & Mario Silva

Prières pendant la maladie (numérique ePub)

by (author) Yves Guillemette

La porte et le silence (numérique ePub)

by (author) André Beauchamp

Prières pendant la maladie

by (author) Yves Guillemette

La porte et le silence

by (author) André Beauchamp

An Altar in the Wilderness

by (author) Kaleeg Hainsworth

Cape Breton's Christmas

A Treasury of Stories and Memories

edited by Ron Caplan

Lexique sympathique de l'Église (numérique PDF)

by (author) Joëlle Chabert & Joëlle Chabert-Choisnard

Fifty Years of Religious Studies in Canada

A Personal Retrospective

by (author) Harold Coward

Lexique sympathique de l'Église

by (author) Joëlle Chabert-Choisnard

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