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Browse Books in Religion

In Praise of Mixed Religion

The Syncretism Solution in a Multifaith World

by (author) William H. Harrison

Passeurs d'espérance

L'entourage de Jésus enfant

by (author) Denise Lamarche
illustrated by Anne-Marie Forest

Playing with Religion in Digital Games

edited by Heidi A. Campbell & Gregory P. Grieve
contributions by Oliver Steffen, Peter F. Likarish, Brenda S. Gardemour Walter, Nathan Abrams, Xenia Zeiler, Jason Anthony, Vit Sisler, Michael Waltemathe, Kevin Schut, Shanny Luft, Rachel Wagner & Rabis Gregory

Feisty and Fearless

Glimpses into the Life of Lois M. Wilson

by (author) Janice L. Meighan

Magda and André Trocmé

Resistance Figures

by (author) Pierre Boismorand

Religion in the Public Sphere

Canadian Case Studies

edited by Solange Lefebvre & Lori G. Beaman

Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy Participant's Workbook

Richard Rohr on the Legacy of St. Francis

by (author) Richard Rohr
with Tim Scorer

One Thousand Gifts

A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

read by Ann Voskamp

Lexique sympathique de la vie spirituelle (numérique PDF)

by (author) Mario F. Paquet

Petit dictionnaire de Dieu

by (author) Jacques Gauthier

En mission dans la tourmente des dictatures

by (author) Claude Lacaille

Freedom of Conscience and Religion

Second Edition

by (author) Richard Moon

Ethics and Biblical Narrative

A Literary and Discourse-Analytical Approach to the Story of Josiah

by (author) S. Min Chun

Truth and Relevance

Catholic Theology in French Quebec since the Quiet Revolution

by (author) Gregory Baum

Catch the Fire

Soaking Prayer and Charismatic Renewal

by (author) Michael Wilkinson & Peter Althouse

The Orthodox Church in the Arab World, 700-1700

An Anthology of Sources

by (author) Samuel Noble & Alexander Treiger

Prendre soin de la création

Un guide pastoral pour passer à l'action

by (author) Norman Lévesque

À la suite du Christ comme laïcs consacrés

by (author) Laurent Boisvert

Prendre soin de la Création (numérique PDF)

by (author) Norman Lévesque

En mission dans la tourmente des dictatures (numérique PDF)

by (author) Claude Lacaille

Oser le marketing de la foi (numérique PDF)

by (author) Dany Dubois

Petit dictionnaire de Dieu (numérique PDF)

by (author) Jacques Gauthier

À la suite du Christ comme laïcs consacrés (numérique PDF)

by (author) Laurent Boisvert

The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal

Celso Costantini's Wartime Diaries, 1938-1947

by (author) Celso Costantini & Bruno Fabio Pighin
translated by Laurence B. Mussio

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