Browse Books in Religion

Living with Concepts
Anthropology in the Grip of Reality

Au fil des jours - Calendrier 2022
For and Against the Bible
A Translation of Sylvain Marechals Pour et Contre la Bible (1801)

Lost Tribes Found
Israelite Indians and Religious Nationalism in Early America

Berruyer's Bible
Public Opinion and the Politics of Enlightenment Catholicism in France

Shiva Dancing at King Arthur's Court
What Yoga Stories and Western Myths Tell Us About Ourselves

The Uncomfortable Pew
Christianity and the New Left in Toronto
The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha

Hijras, Lovers, Brothers
Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India

First Isaiah and the Disappearance of the Gods

Understanding Climate Change through Religious Lifeworlds

No Longer Strangers
Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities

Thinking about Good and Evil
Jewish Views from Antiquity to Modernity

The Queer Evangelist
A Socialist Clergy's Radically Honest Tale

The Queer Evangelist
A Socialist Clergy's Radically Honest Tale
The Flesh of the Word
The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy

Don't Call It a Cult
The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of NXIVM

Redemption and Regret
Modernizing Korea in the Writings of James Scarth Gale

Erasmus on Literature
His Ratio or ‘System' of 1518/1519

Land of Stark Contrasts
Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States


Gifts and Graces
Prayer, Poetry, and Polemic from Lancelot Andrewes to John Bunyan

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Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique