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Browse Books in Religion

No Longer Strangers

Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities

edited by Eugene Cho & Samira Izadi Page
foreword by Ann Voskamp

Thinking about Good and Evil

Jewish Views from Antiquity to Modernity

by (author) Wayne Allen

The Queer Evangelist

A Socialist Clergy's Radically Honest Tale

by (author) Cheri DiNovo, CM
foreword by Kathleen Wynne

The Queer Evangelist

A Socialist Clergy's Radically Honest Tale

by (author) Cheri DiNovo
foreword by Kathleen Wynne

The Flesh of the Word

The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy

by (author) K.J. Drake

Don't Call It a Cult

The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of NXIVM

by (author) Sarah Berman

Redemption and Regret

Modernizing Korea in the Writings of James Scarth Gale

by (author) James Scarth Gale
edited by Daniel Pieper

Erasmus on Literature

His Ratio or ‘System' of 1518/1519

edited by Mark Vessey
translated with commentary by Robert D. Sider
foreword by Anthony Grafton

Land of Stark Contrasts

Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States

contributions by Manuel Mejido Costoya, Paul H. Blankenship, Margaret Breen, Jeremy Brown, Sathianathan Clarke, John A. Coleman, María Teresa Dávila, Michael R. Fisher, Nancy Khalil, Lauren Lawson, Roberto Mata, Bruce Miller, James Spickard & Laura Stivers

Gifts and Graces

Prayer, Poetry, and Polemic from Lancelot Andrewes to John Bunyan

by (author) David Gay

Voir la Terre autrement (numérique ePub)

Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique

by (author) André Beauchamp

Voir la Terre autrement (numérique PDF)

Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique

by (author) André Beauchamp

Marcher, parler, écouter (numérique ePub)

L'exercice pèlerin

by (author) Brigitte Harouni & Éric Laliberté

Marcher, parler, écouter (numérique PDF)

L'exercice pèlerin

by (author) Brigitte Harouni & Éric Laliberté

A Voice Without End

The Role of David in Psalms 3-14

by (author) Andrew C. Witt


A Shorter Commentary

by (author) Bruce K. Waltke & Ivan D.V. De Silva

Missing Witches

Recovering True Histories of Feminist Magic

by (author) Risa Dickens
illustrated by Amy Torok

Quakerism in the Atlantic World, 1690-1830

edited by Robynne Rogers Healey

The Habsburg Empire under Siege

Ottoman Expansion and Hungarian Revolt in the Age of Grand Vizier Ahmed Köprülü (1661–76)

by (author) Georg B. Michels

La Bible dit-elle la vérité?

by (author) Sébastien Doane

Témoin d’une Église de printemps (numérique ePub)

Itinéraire spirituel et pastoral de Paul-Émile Charbonneau

by (author) Denise Robillard

Faut-il faire baptiser notre enfant “

by (author) Normand Provencher

La foi s’oppose-t-elle à la raison “

by (author) Jocelyn Girard

Comment vivre sa foi aujourd’hui?

by (author) Guy Lespinay

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