Browse Books in Religion

Walking through Elysium
Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition

Erasmus on the New Testament


An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History

El gran tejedor de vidas (Narración en Castellano)
Cómo Dios nos va formando a través de los eventos de nuestra vida

Growing Grateful
Live Happy, Peaceful, and Contented

Faith or Fraud
Fortune-Telling, Spirituality, and the Law

Open and Unafraid
The Psalms as a Guide to Life

Prayer Warrior Journal
52-Weeks of Petitions, Praise, Scriptures, and Thanks to God

Andrew Fernando Holmes
Protestantism, Medicine, and Science in Nineteenth-Century Montreal

Promise and Hope
Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy

Written on My Heart
Living Classic Prayers in the Modern World

There Must Be a Pony in Here Somewhere
Everyday Stories of God's Goodness

Reupholstered Psalms
Ancient Songs Sung New

Transformation on the Southern Ukrainian Steppe
Letters and Papers of Johann Cornies, Volume II: 1836-1842

Green Witchcraft
A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond

Les anges existent-ils vraiment”

Qu'y a-t-il après la mort?

Peut-on douter quand on a la foi “

Where Is God?
Christian Faith in the Time of Great Uncertainty A Conversation with Andrea Tornielli

Better Together
How Women and Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future

The Joy of Keeping the Faith
Thriving in the Church after RCIA

The A-Z of Intermarriage

Colonizing Russia's Promised Land
Orthodoxy and Community on the Siberian Steppe