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Browse Books in Psychology

Describing Inner Experience?

Proponent Meets Skeptic

by (author) Russell Hurlburt & Eric Schwitzgebel

The Origins of Morality

An Evolutionary Account

by (author) Dennis Krebs

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur les comportements à risque des adolescents

Stratégies pour réduire les problème á l'alcool, aux drogues, aux jeux de hasard et à Internet

by (author) David A. Wolfe & Bruce Ballon

What Parents Need to Know about Teen Risk-Taking

Strategies for Reducing the Risks of Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and Gambling

by (author) David A. Wolfe & Bruce Ballon

Mindfulness y psicoterapia

edited by Steven F. Hick & Thomas Bien
prologue by Zindel V. Segal

The Consuming Instinct

What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature

by (author) Gad Saad
foreword by David M. Buss

Homelessness, Housing, and Mental Health

Finding Truths — Creating Change

edited by Cheryl Forchuk, Rick Csiernik & Elsabeth Jensen

Born Liars

Why We Can't Live Without Deceit

by (author) Ian Leslie

A Concise Introduction to Mental Health in Canada

by (author) Elliot Goldner, Emily Jenkins, Jessica Prairie & Dan Bilsker

Addiction and Responsibility

edited by Jeffrey Poland & George Graham

Le temps précieux de la fin (numérique PDF)

by (author) Jean Monbourquette & Denise Lussier-Russel

Demander pardon sans s'humilier (PDF numérique)

by (author) Jean Monbourquette & Isabelle D'Aspremont

Grandir. Aimer, perdre et grandir – Gros caractères (numérique PDF)

L'art de transformer une perte en gain

by (author) Jean Monbourquette

Child Development

Perspectives in Developmental Psychology

by (author) M.D. Rutherford

Introduction to Infant Development

Canadian Edition

edited by Alan Slater, Michael Lewis, Gizelle Anzures & Kang Lee

Child Development: Perspectives on Developmental Psychology

Student Study Guide

by (author) Sandra Hessels

Beyond the Pleasure Principle

by (author) Sigmund Freud
edited by Todd Dufresne
translated by Gregory C. Richter

The Helping Relationship

Healing and Change in Community Context

edited by Augustine Meier & Martin Rovers

Gerontology in the Era of the Third Age

Implications and Next Steps

by (author) Dawn C. Carr & Kathrin S. Komp

Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times

by (author) Barbara Killinger

Comprehensive, Competence-Based Parenting Assessment for Parents with Learning Difficulties and Their Children

by (author) Maurice Feldman & Marjorie Aunos

The Social Neuroscience of Empathy

edited by Jean Decety & William Ickes

Decentring Work

Critical Perspectives on Leisure, Social Policy, and Human Development

contributions by Heather Mair, Don Dawson, Susan M. Arai, Janna Taylor, Donald G. Reid, Wendy Frisby, B. Leigh Golden, Leah Katerberg, Sherry L. Dupis, Rishia Burke, Susan Tirone, Darla Fortune, Alison Pedlar, Felice Yuen, Dawn Trussell, Karen M. Fox & Brett D. Lashua

Rationality and the Reflective Mind

by (author) Keith Stanovich

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