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Browse Books in Philosophy

Manufactured Uncertainty

Implications for Climate Change Skepticism

by (author) Lorraine Code

Epistemic Responsibility

by (author) Lorraine Code

Five Groundbreaking Moments in Heidegger's Thinking

by (author) Kenneth Maly

Interpreting Modernity

Essays on the Work of Charles Taylor

edited by Jacob Levy, Jocelyn Maclure & Daniel M. Weinstock

On Risk

by (author) Mark Kingwell

Ethical Reasoning: Theory and Application

by (author) Andrew Kernohan

Tao and the Four Pillars of Influence

Merging 4000-Year-Old Wisdom with Activism to Change the World

by (author) Karen McGregor

Master Your Mind

Critical-Thinking Exercises and Activities to Boost Brain Power and Think Smarter

by (author) Marcel Danesi

John Dewey's Later Logical Theory

by (author) James Scott Johnston

The Machinery of Government

Public Administration and the Liberal State

by (author) Joseph Heath

Restoring Democracy in an Age of Populists and Pestilence

by (author) Jonathan Manthorpe

Themes in Roman Society and Culture

An Introduction to Ancient Rome

edited by Matt Gibbs, Milorad Nikolic & Pauline Ripat

The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer

edited by Suzanne Conklin Akbari & James Simpson

Language Ethics

edited by Yael Peled & Daniel M. Weinstock

Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy

by (author) René Descartes
edited by Andrew Bailey
translated by Ian Johnston

Adult Life

Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of Happiness

by (author) John Russon

Wisdom in Buddhism

by (author) Edward Horner

The Ethics of Pandemics

edited by Meredith Celene Schwartz

Anton Wilhelm Amo's Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body

edited by Stephen Menn & Justin E.H. Smith

If I’m So Zen, Why is My Hair Falling Out?

How Anxiety and Past Trauma Manifest in the Physical Body

by (author) Amanda Lera

Beyond Civility

The Competing Obligations of Citizenship

by (author) William Keith & Robert Danisch

Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy

edited by Emmanuel Alloa, Frank Chouraqui & Rajiv Kaushik

Merleau-Ponty between Philosophy and Symbolism

The Matrixed Ontology

by (author) Rajiv Kaushik

Medical Nihilism

by (author) Jacob Stegenga

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