Browse Books in Philosophy
Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism
Of Several Branches
Essays from the Humanities Association Bulletin
The Structure of Aesthetics

The Pursuit of an Authentic Philosophy
Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and the Everyday
Thinking Nature
An Essay in Negative Ecology

Roman Republican Augury
Freedom and Control

Shen Medicine
Changing Messages of Illness to Health As Told By A Neurosurgeon

Wish I Were Here
Boredom and the Interface

The Supermarket of the Visible
Toward a General Economy of Images

The Philosopher

Aristotle on the Sources of the Ethical Life

Bioethics in Canada

Fun, Taste, & Games
An Aesthetics of the Idle, Unproductive, and Otherwise Playful

Hell and Damnation
A Sinner's Guide to Eternal Torment

Course Correction
A Map for the Distracted University

Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond
The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 1

Violence and Nonviolence
Conceptual Excursions into Phantom Opposites

Jewels of the Middle Way
The Madhyamaka Legacy of Atisa and His Early Tibetan Followers

Servilia and her Family

The Improvement of Mankind
The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill

Imitation & Design and Other Essays
Deleuze and Children

"I AM"
Monotheism and the Philosophy of the Bible

The Risk of Education
Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny