Browse Books in Philosophy

Crossing Borders
Essays in Honour of Ian H. Angus

The Essential Mozi
Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings

Shakespearean Melancholy
Philosophy, Form and the Transformation of Comedy

Hold On
The Life, Science, and Art of Waiting

Our Fundamental Problem
A Revolutionary Approach to Philosophy

Where Things Touch
A Meditation on Beauty

Talking Back to Plato

Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone
Post-Hellenistic Philosophy
A Study of its Development from the Stoics to Origen

Schelling's Philosophy
Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity

The Morality of Defensive Force

Being at Large
Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts

The Urban Archetypes of Jane Jacobs and Ebenezer Howard
Contradiction and Meaning in City Form

The Labyrinth
An Existential Odyssey with Jean-Paul Sartre

Being Sure of Each Other
An Essay on Social Rights and Freedoms

Walking through Elysium
Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition

Home Is Where the Water Is

Distributed Democracy
Health Care Governance in Ontario

Kant's Transcendental Deduction

Platonism and Naturalism
The Possibility of Philosophy

Might Nature be Canadian?
Essays on Mutual Accommodation

Aspiration and Reality in Legal Education

In the Path of Conquest
Resistance to Alexander the Great

Everyday Evil
Why Our World Is the Way It Is