Browse Books in Semiotics & Theory
The Silent Game
The Real World Of Imaginary Spies

Rethinking Women's Collaborative Writing
Power, Difference, Property

An Introduction to Semiotics

Productive Postmodernism
Consuming Histories and Cultural Studies

Toward a New Critical Theory in Honour of Jerry Zaslove

Eating Their Words
Cannibalism and the Boundaries of Cultural Identity

Living Prism
Itineraries in Comparative Literature

Pragmatic Plagiarism
Authorship, Profit, and Power

Fiction and Possible Worlds

Northrop Frye and the Poetics of Process

Northrop Frye and the Poetics of Process

Verbal Art
A Philosophy of Literature and Literary Experience

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, Media, and Communication

The Mysterious Barricades
Language and its Limits

Robert Browning's Language

Robert Browning's Language

Analyzing Cultures
An Introduction and Handbook

Reading Theatre

Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa

The Sign in Theory and Practice
An Introductory Reader in Semiotics

Literary Pluralities

Sign, Thought, and Culture
A Basic Course in Semiotics

The Hermeneutics of Poetic Sense

The Language of the Self
The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis