Browse Books in Semiotics & Theory

Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms

The Harmony of Verse

The Narreme in the Medieval Romance Epic
An Introduction to Narrative Structures

The Language of the Book of Songs

A Reader of Modern Urdu Poetry
Partisan Expression in Contemporary American Literature and Culture
Comics and Cognition
Toward a Multimodal Cognitive Poetics

The Academic Avant-Garde
Poetry and the American University

Transverse Disciplines
Queer-Feminist, Anti-racist, and Decolonial Approaches to the University

Anarchists in the Academy
Machines and Free Readers in Experimental Poetry

The Political Logic of Experience
Expression in Phenomenology

Totality Inside Out
Rethinking Crisis and Conflict under Capital

Rising Tides
Reflections for Climate Changing Times

Permanent Revolution

Rationalist Empiricism
A Theory of Speculative Critique

The Quest for Meaning
A Guide to Semiotic Theory and Practice, Second Edition

Downward Mobility
The Form of Capital and the Sentimental Novel

Religion, Emotion, Sensation
Affect Theories and Theologies

Witnessing Girlhood
Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing

The Reproduction of Life Death
Derrida's La vie la mort

Reading Sideways
The Queer Politics of Art in Modern American Fiction

Messy Eating
Conversations on Animals as Food

The Harmony of Verse

Rhythm in the Novel