Browse Books in General

Saul and Selected Poems
including excerpts from Jephthah's Daughter and Jezebel: A Poem in Three Cantos

The First Day of Spring
Stories and Other Prose

Literary History of Canada
Canadian Literature in English, Volume III (Second Edition)

Crabbe's Arabesque
Social Drama in the Poetry of George Crabbe
History And Myth

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío

The Poems of Archibald Lampman

The Poems of Archibald Lampman

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío

Dk/Some Letters of Ezra Pound

Supreme Fictions

The Grove Symposium
Petrarch to Pirandello
Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan

A Theatre for Spenserians
Papers of the International Spencer Colloquium Fredericton, New Brunswick October 1969

The Advocate
A Novel

A Drama, in Three Parts (Second Edition)

The Letter Bag of The Great Western;
or, Life in a Steamer

Awake the Courteous Echo
The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues

The U.E.
A Tale of Upper Canada

The Cromaboo Mail Carrier
A Canadian Love Story

Count Filippo; or The Unequal Marriage
A Drama in Five Acts

The Letter Bag of The Great Western;
or, Life in a Steamer

The U.E.
A Tale of Upper Canada

The Cromaboo Mail Carrier
A Canadian Love Story