Browse Books in General
The Calling of the Nations
Exegesis, Ethnography, and Empire in a Biblical-Historic Present
The Poetics of Dante's Paradiso
Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance
Forgetful Muses
Reading the Author in the Text
Performing Women
Theatre, Politics, and Dissent in North India
Horizontal Surfaces
Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature
Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming
Literature and the Press
Translating Pain
Immigrant Suffering in Literature and Culture
A Moving Rhetoricke
Gender and silence in early modern England
Saints Alive
Word, Image, and Enactment in the Lives of the Saints
At Alberta
Locating the Past / Discovering the Present
Perspectives on Religion, Culture, and Marginality
Animal Alterity
Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal
The Oxford Handbook of the Elegy
Listening In
Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews by Elizabeth Bowen
Stories of the Middle Space
Reading the Ethics in Postmodern Realisms
Enchanted Objects
Visual Art in Contemporary Fiction
Population Me:
Essays on David McGimpsey
Northrop Frye on Twentieth-Century Literature
Virgil the Blind Guide
Marking the Way through the Divine Comedy
Gothic Canada
Reading the Spectre of a National Literature
The Platonian Leviathan
Canada and Its Americas
Transnational Navigations