Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Transformation of Sin
Studies in Donne, Herbert, Vaughan and Traherne

E.J. Pratt
The Evolutionary Vision

The Grove Symposium

The Prison and the Pinnacle
Petrarch to Pirandello
Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan

A Theatre for Spenserians
Papers of the International Spencer Colloquium Fredericton, New Brunswick October 1969

The Advocate
A Novel

A Drama, in Three Parts (Second Edition)
Jean Baptiste
A Story of French Canada

The Letter Bag of The Great Western;
or, Life in a Steamer

Awake the Courteous Echo
The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues
Under Pretext of Praise
Satiric Mode in Erasmus' Fiction

The Civil War

Poems and Essays

An Unamuno Source Book
A catalogue of readings and acquisitions with an introductary essay on Unamuno's dialectical enquiry

A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953 with Biographical Index (2e)

Striker Schneiderman

The U.E.
A Tale of Upper Canada

Selections from Canadian Poets
With Occasional Critical and Biographical Notes and an Introductory Essay on Canadian Poetry
Antoinette de Mirecourt
or, Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrows

The Cromaboo Mail Carrier
A Canadian Love Story

Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness
'English-Canadian Literature' and 'French-Canadian Literature'