Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Balzac's Recurring Characters
Voltaire's Candide
Etude quantitative
Althochdeutsche Glossen
Nachtrage / Old High German glosses
Some Facets of King Lear
Essays in Prismatic Criticism
Goethe's Poetry for Occasions
Medieval Celtic Literature
A Select Bibliography
Browning's Lyrics
An Exploration
Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec
The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan
The Poems of Archibald Lampman
Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío
Dk/Some Letters of Ezra Pound
Supreme Fictions
The Grove Symposium
Transformation of Sin
Studies in Donne, Herbert, Vaughan and Traherne
Sincere Ideal
Studies on Sincerity in Eighteenth-Century English Literature
E.J. Pratt
The Evolutionary Vision
The Prison and the Pinnacle
Petrarch to Pirandello
Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan
A Theatre for Spenserians
Papers of the International Spencer Colloquium Fredericton, New Brunswick October 1969
The Advocate
A Novel
A Drama, in Three Parts (Second Edition)
Jean Baptiste
A Story of French Canada
The Letter Bag of The Great Western;
or, Life in a Steamer