Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío

Althochdeutsche Glossen
Nachtrage / Old High German glosses

Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec

Some Facets of King Lear
Essays in Prismatic Criticism

The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan
Selected Poetry and Critical Prose Charles G.D. Roberts

Goethe's Poetry for Occasions

Voltaire's Candide
Etude quantitative

Browning's Lyrics
An Exploration

The Poems of Archibald Lampman

Balzac's Recurring Characters

Voltaire's Candide
Etude quantitative

Althochdeutsche Glossen
Nachtrage / Old High German glosses

Some Facets of King Lear
Essays in Prismatic Criticism

Goethe's Poetry for Occasions

Medieval Celtic Literature
A Select Bibliography

Browning's Lyrics
An Exploration

Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec

The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan

The Poems of Archibald Lampman

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío

Dk/Some Letters of Ezra Pound

Supreme Fictions

Sincere Ideal
Studies on Sincerity in Eighteenth-Century English Literature