Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Literature in the Light of the Emblem

Twentieth-Century Italian Literature in English Translation
An Annotated Bibliography, 1929-1997

Narrating Utopia
Ideology, Gender, Form in Utopian Literature

Bolder Flights
Essays on the Canadian Long Poem

Floating the Borders
New Contexts in Canadian Literature

The Recovery of the Public World
Essays on Poetics in Honour of Robin Blaser

ABC of Reading TRG

Essays on George F. Walker
Playing with Anxiety
Gold-Hall and Earth-Dragon
'Beowulf' as Metaphor
Playing with Desire
Christopher Marlowe and the Art of Tantalization

Empowering the Feminine
The Narratives of Mary Robinson, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, 1796-1812
Gold-Hall and Earth-Dragon
'Beowulf' as Metaphor

Romantic Aversions
Aftermaths of Classicism in Wordsworth and Coleridge

Literary Pluralities

My Recollection of Chicago and the Doctrine of Laissez Faire

Labour, Love, and Prayer
Female Piety in Ulster Religious Literature, 1850-1914

Honest Sins
Georgian Libertinism and the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding

Part Two
Reflections on the Sequel

Modernism in European Drama: Ibsen, Strindberg, Pirandello, Beckett
Essays from Modern Drama

Writing by Women of Italian Descent

Detecting Texts
The Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism

Making it Home
Place in Canadian Literature

Worrying the Nation
Imagining a National Literature in English Canada

Taking Risks
Literary Journalism from the Edge