Browse Books in Literary Criticism

'Household Business'
Domestic Plays of Early Modern England

Robert Browning's Language

'Household Business'
Domestic Plays of Early Modern England
The Montreal Forties
Modernist Poetry in Transition

Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry

Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry

Jena Romanticism and Its Appropriation of Jakob Böhme
Theosophy, Hagiography, Literature

Analyzing Cultures
An Introduction and Handbook

Dominant Impressions
Essays on the Canadian Short Story

Documents of Protest and Compassion

The Triumph of Narrative
Storytelling in the Age of Mass Culture
One Language, Two Scripts
The Hindi Movement in Nineteenth Century North India

Marian Engel’s Notebooks
“Ah, mon cahier, écoute...”

Belling the Cat
Essays, Reports & Opinions

The Return of the Repressed
Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien

Wild About Horses
Our Timeless Passion for the Horse

Into The Looking-Glass Wood
Essays on Words and the World

Reading Theatre

The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory

Kundera, or, The Memory of Desire

A Bibliography of John Rastell

Bibliography of John Rastell

Culture and Adultery
The Novel, the Newspaper, and the Law, 1857-1914
The Outlandish Companion
In Which Much Is Revealed Regarding Claire And Jamie Fraser....